Postdoctoral Positions in Data Analysis for Large-Scale Gamma-Ray Spectrometers at Argonne National Laboratory

04 January 2022

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Staff Position in Heavy Element Science at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

21 December 2021

The Nuclear Science Division at Berkeley Lab has formally launched a search for a career-track/career staff scientist position within the heavy element program. An international search is taking place to identify and recommend outstanding candidates for this important position.

We are looking for someone to join the heavy element research group. They would have significant responsibilities in providing leadership in executing the experimental program and helping develop new research directions for the group.

More details regarding the position can be found on the LBL Careers site:

We would greatly appreciate you communicating this opportunity to colleagues in your network. You might also consider whether this would be a good opportunity for you.

Please reach out to Larry Phair (search committee chair, if you have any questions.

Experimental Physicist position at Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)

16 December 2021

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Two available positions at Jyväskylä

16 December 2021

Below find below two opportunities to join us at JYFL-ACCLAB:

The ion source group is looking to fill a permanent position as a Staff Scientist:

The University of Jyväskylä has now opened a call for its' Visiting Fellows Programme 2022. The programme offers opportunities for Visiting Fellows at all career stages, from Post-Doc to Professor. Details can be found at the link below, please contact us at JYFL-ACCLAB if you have more questions.

Three postdoc positions available at FRIB

14 December 2021

FRIB still has three postdoc positions that remain open. Please see the links for more information.

Postdoctoral Research Associate in the SRF Department in the FRIB Accelerator Systems Division:

Postdoctoral Research Associate Position in Beam Stopping Techniques:

Postdoctoral Research Associate Position in Prof. Yue Hao's research group, working on artificial intelligence and/or machine learning algorithms for accelerator physics research and/or data driven models for FRIB operation:

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