High Resolution In-Flight Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy

Working Group Conveners
Stephen Gillespie (FRIB), Mitch Allmond (ORNL), Peter Bender (UMass Lowell), Heather Crawford (LBNL), Marco Siciliano (ANL), Mark Spieker (FSU)
The FRIB High Resolution In-Flight Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy Working Group is an umbrella collaboration for projects aimed at supporting the advancement of nuclear physics through state-of-the-art gamma-ray detector technologies. Leading initiatives include development of the gamma-ray tracking array, GRETINA/GRETA, and support of synergistic activities with Gammasphere.
GRETINA is a novel array of gamma-ray detectors used primarily for nuclear structure research. It consists of 28 large, coaxial, hyper-pure Ge crystals, each divided into 36 segments, packed in an arrangement to cover one-quarter of a sphere. GRETINA is the first system to use the new concept of gamma-ray energy tracking, and is the first phase of the larger Gamma Ray Energy Tracking Array (GRETA).