Post-doctoral researcher position at IJCLab Orsay in Nuclear Reactions Induced by Radioactive Beams

24 March 2025

Workplace : ORSAY
Date of publication : 22/03/2025
Type of contract : CNRS-in2p3
Contract period : 24 months
Expected date of employment : 01/06/2025
Proportion of work : full time
remuneration : 3081 € per month
desired level of education : Doctorate in Nuclear Physics
experience required: Less than 2 years post PhD.

The NESTAR ("Noyaux Exotiques Structure et Astrophysique par Réactions") team at Laboratoire de Physique des Deux Infinis Irène Joliot-Curie (IJCLab) at Orsay, France, is inviting applications for a position of postdoctoral researcher. Our activities are focused on the measurement of direct nuclear reactions induced by radioactive beams (RIB) with main focus on RIB produced at GANIL by the ISOL (SPIRAL facility) or in-flight (LISE spectrometer) methods and at RIKEN.

We have designed and constructed a state-of-the-art Silicon strip array (MUGAST) which is currently installed at GANIL on the LISE beamline and used in conjunction with the EXOGAM Germanium gamma-ray array. The upcoming 2025-2026 campaigns will include experiments on few-body systems, spin-orbit splitting and reactions of astrophysical interest, two of them being lead by our group.

MUGAST is a first step towards the next generation GRIT array (see The Phase0 of GRIT will be coupled with AGATA and VAMOS at GANIL in 2029. The MUGAST and GRIT arrays are part of an international collaboration lead by France and Italy.

The postdoctoral fellowship aims at running and analyzing data from the MUGAST campaign of 2025-2026 and preparing the Phase 0 of GRIT. This is a fixed term two-year appointment starting on June 1st 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter.

The successful candidate will be stationed at Orsay with frequent travel to GANIL (Caen, France) for setting up and participating in experiments involving the MUGAST array. He/she will take on a responsible role in the operation of the array and associated detectors. The candidate will be expected to analyze with the NPTool package and interpret data from the campaigns, in particular from an experiment devoted to the search for the 4H isobaric analog state of the tetra-neutron system. It is expected that the results will be published in international peer-reviewed journals and presented in conferences.He/she will also have the opportunity to participate in the elaboration of the Phase 0 of the GRIT Si array with tests of electronics and detectors and integration into AGATA.

Eligible candidates must have a PhD in experimental nuclear physics obtained since less than two years or expect to defend their PhD before the start of the appointment. The position requires the capacity of independent work in both hardware and software and good teamwork skills. The candidate will gain expertise in the use of semiconductor detectors (Si-strip and Ge), and gaseous detectors (Multi-wire proportional and ionization chambers). Prior experience with such systems and with radioactive beam experiments will be appreciated. The work requires programming knowledge in C++ and experience with the ROOT analysis framework.

Constraints and risks
Frequent travel to GANIL (Caen).
Work under radiation

Context of work
The Irène Joliot-Curie Physics Laboratory of 2 Infinities (IJCLab) is a UMR under the supervision of the CNRS (IN2P3), the University of Paris-Saclay and the University of Paris. It is located on the campus of the University of Paris -Saclay in Orsay, which lies 20 km south of Paris and is easily accessible by RER in 35 minutes.

IJCLab was founded in 2020 from the merger of five laboratories (CSNSM, IMNC, IPN, LAL, LPT). The staff is composed of nearly 560 permanent personnel and approximately 200 non-permanent personnel including 120 doctoral students. The research themes of the laboratory are nuclear physics, high energy physics, theoretical physics, astroparticles, astrophysics and cosmology, particle accelerators, energy and the environment and health. IJCLab has very significant technical capacities (around 280 engineers and technicians) in all the major fields required to design, develop / implement the experimental devices necessary for its scientific activity.

The NESTAR team includes 11 physicists (permanent researchers, post-docs and doctoral students) studying nuclear structure and nuclear astrophysics using reactions.

How to Apply
Interested candidates should apply directly on the CNRS website:

(For English speaking candidates click on English at the top right hand corner of the page!) and send a copy of their CV and letter of motivation and arrange to have 2 letters of recommendation sent to Marlène Assié ( before 12th of April. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to an in-person or Zoom interview shortly thereafter. Additional information can be obtained by e-mailing to Marlène Assié.

Open Professor Position in Nuclear Physics – Université Paris-Saclay

13 March 2025

A Professor position in Nuclear Physics will soon be open at Université Paris-Saclay. The selected candidate will join one of the research teams within either the Nuclear Physics Division or the Energy and Environment Division of IJCLab. On the research side, the successful candidate will be expected to develop an experimental research program using accelerators or reactors, focusing on the structure and fundamental properties of atomic nuclei and/or the dynamical and energetic aspects of nuclear reactions. Candidates should have expertise allowing them to contribute to the design and advancement of measurement instruments for these studies within international collaborations.

For more details on the research profile, please contact:
Marc Ernoult (Energy and Environment Division) –
David Verney (Nuclear Physics Division) –
For information on the teaching component of the position, please contact:
Fabian Zomer (Head of the Physics Department) –
The position is published on the ODYSSEE portal: The corresponding detailed job description is also attached.

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PhD position in Nuclear Physics at Hebrew University and GSI/FAIR

12 March 2025

I would like to announce a PhD position of the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel. The main place of work will be at the FRS and Super-FRS Ion Catcher at GSI/FAIR, Darmstadt, Germany. The position is part of a 3rd party funding of the PAZY foundation to study beta-delayed neutron emission of fission fragments. The position is for 4 years, submission deadline is the 15th of April. For further details please see the attached pdf.

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Postdoc position announcement: Postdoctoral position at IGISOL (JYFL-ACCLAB)

11 March 2025

We have a postdoctoral position open related to high-precision mass measurements and production of radioactive nuclei at IGISOL in the JYFL Accelerator Laboratory at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. The position is for two years and will start on 2nd June 2025 or as agreed. It is a part of the Research Council of Finland funded project Heavy Exotic Nuclei for Nuclear Astrophysics. The deadline for applications is 4th April 2025.

More information and how to apply:

If you have any questions about the position, feel free to contact Prof. Anu Kankainen (

Research Faculty II, Physics Department, Florida State University

11 March 2025

Florida State University is seeking qualified candidates for a Research Faculty II position (12-month salaried) associated with the John D. Fox Accelerator Laboratory. The ideal candidate is an individual who likes developing new data acquisition hardware and software solutions for complex nuclear physics experiments. The John D. Fox Laboratory operates a heavy-ion accelerator, which is used for experiments in Nuclear Structure and Nuclear Astrophysics research. The responsibilities of the position include the development of highly complex systems for real-time data acquisition, optimized for the experimental requirements. The responsibilities include custom software development for real time configuration and data collection as well as data analysis and consultation to scientists and graduate students. Other responsibilities include maintenance and development of the distributed real-time accelerator control and monitoring systems.

Ph.D. from an accredited institution in experimental nuclear physics or related field, or equivalent qualifications based on professional experience and demonstrated ability to perform the assigned duties, and a record of achievement in research.

Department of Physics | Florida State University College of Arts & Sciences
The FSU Physics Department offers research programs that are well-funded, academically varied, and provide a breadth of learning and teaching experience to over 300 graduate and undergraduate students. The department is comprised of over 60 faculty members specializing in condensed matter, nuclear, high-energy, atomic, bio-, and astrophysics. For more information about our department, visit For more information about the College of Arts & Sciences, visit

Equal Employment Opportunity
An Equal Opportunity/Access/Affirmative Action/Pro Disabled & Veteran Employer. FSU's Equal Opportunity Statement can be accessed at:

How to Apply
To apply, submit an application online at (Job ID 59687). Applications must include a cover letter and curriculum vitae. In additions, applicants must arrange to have three confidential letters of recommendation submitted via email to The application deadline is April 30, 2025.

Questions regarding this position may be directed to Ingo Wiedenhoever at
