INFN (Italy) call for foreigner postdocs (20 positions for Experimental Physics)
13 September 2024
INFN is opening 20 post-doctoral positions in experimental physics.
Eligible candidates are non-Italian citizens, they must have a Ph.D. degree (or an equivalent qualification), obtained no more than eight years prior to the call deadline, i.e. on or after November 15th, 2016. Candidates who are preparing their doctoral thesis are eligible to apply; however they must have obtained their Ph.D. degree by November 1st, 2025 or in any case before taking up their appointment with INFN.
The appointed should start their Research Grant not later than November 1st, 2025
If you are interested or need more information please contact:
Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics Post-doctoral position - University of York, UK
12 September 2024
We are currently advertising a post-doctoral position in experimental nuclear astrophysics at the University of York.
This role will contribute to, and lead, science aspects relating to our current experimental programmes of direct measurements and transfer reaction studies. The successful candidate will be based at York and spend significant periods at overseas laboratories. The work will involve taking the lead in the experimental preparation and data taking for key measurements as well as data analysis and physics interpretation. The successful candidate will be encouraged to develop their own complementary programme and support the ongoing work of the group.
Further details, including application instructions, can be found at:
The deadline for applications is the 30th September 2024.
Please forward to any potential candidates.
Three year Postdoc at MIT and Texas A&M
09 September 2024
For a 3-year postdoc opportunity at MIT & Texas A&M, the NEPTUNE project [PRL 133, 033003 (2024)] seeks candidates with hands-on experience in Penning traps.
This fellowship position in experimental nuclear physics is available for a period of up to 4 years in the first instance with the presumption of permanency at the end.
The position will support the UKRI-STFC-funded FAUST project at FRIB in the USA. The FAUST project involves the development and construction of an advanced silicon detection system backed with CsI crystals to be placed inside the world-leading GRETA g-ray tracking array, and used in conjunction with the S800 recoil spectrometer. This unique combination of devices will allow for multiple direct reactions to be studied using the vast swathe of intense rare isotope beams now available at the recently opened, FRIB facility. In particular, FAUST will enable investigations of weak r-process reactions in Type-II supernovae, the rp-process in X-ray bursts, and the evolution of shell structure towards the neutron dripline. The successful candidate will also have the opportunity to be involved in all aspects of the existing nuclear physics programme at Surrey, and will be encouraged in the submission of their own experimental proposals.
The Experimental Nuclear Physics group at the University of Surrey undertakes research including both theoretical and experimental nuclear physics, radiation physics and applications. The successful candidate will join an established group studying nuclear structure phenomena and reactions pertinent to astrophysical scenarios using gamma-rays and charged-particles and performing studies of isomeric and beta-unstable nuclei at the limits of experimental accessibility.
Post-doctoral Position in Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics- Edinburgh University
03 September 2024
Please find below the advert for a 2-year post-doctoral position in Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics at the University of Edinburgh, as part of the ERC Project NUCLEAR (PI M Aliotta). A job description is also attached. Further details can be found here: