Targets (AT-CATS)

Working Group Conveners
Kelly Chipps (ORNL), Matthew Gott (ORNL), Claus Müller-Gatermann (ANL)
The Advanced Targets - Center for Accelerator Target Science (AT-CATS) Working Group is interested in creating and maintaining advanced targets for use in astrophysics, structure, and reactions studies. Various target designs, such as gas jets, active targets, or cryogenic targets, can provide significant improvements over traditional target materials, allowing for high-precision, low-background measurements of scattering, transfer and capture. Isotopically-enriched target foils, radioactive targets, new target materials, and precision target foil fabrication to enable FRIB science and new beam development (e.g. N=126 Factory) are also goals of this Working Group, as there is a broad need for foils of all sizes, configurations, and thicknesses. Isotope production for target development is also critical. Future improvements, novel designs, and expansion into new facilities are also goals.
The Targets (AT-CATS) Working Group is a collaboration between the previous Gas Jet/Advanced Targets Working Group and the Target Lab Working Group.