Silicon Arrays

Working Group Conveners
Steve Pain (ORNL), Jolie Cizewski (Rutgers University), Romualdo De Souza (Indiana University), Kate Jones (University of Tennessee), Lolly Pollacco (CEA Saclay, France), Grisha Rogachev (Texas A&M University), Darek Seweryniak (ANL)
Charged particle detection is critical to a number of sub-fields of rare isotope beam science including (but not limited to) direct reaction studies, equation-of-state studies, recoil-tagging methods, fusion and fusion/fission studies, and decay spectroscopy. Silicon detector technology will be critical to many of these measurements at FRIB.
The SAWG is focused on developing charged-particle detector arrays for specific purposes at FRIB, as well as significantly advancing the fundamental characteristics of silicon, investigating the uses of other materials, and working with others to advance data acquisition systems for large channel-count spectrosocpy. As many of the requirements for charged-particle detector arrays are common to multiple experiment types and geometries, a focus of the working group is to develop a standardized suite of silicon detectors and instrumentation for use at FRIB that will be easily interfaced with multiple large instruments, such as GRETA, the ReA12 Separator (ISLA) and the High Rigidity spectrometer.
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