Astrophysics and SECAR

Working Group Conveners
Hendrik Schatz (NSCL/MSU), Melina Avila (ANL), Catherine Deibel (LSU), Michael Smith (ORNL)
The FRIB Astrophysics working group encompasses the wide variety of experimental, theoretical, and equipment projects in nuclear astrophysics at FRIB, as well as related astrophysics and observational astronomy projects. The scientific focus of these projects will be to improve our understanding of supernovae, novae, X-ray bursts and other astrophysical phenomena where unstable nuclei play a critical role. One focus of the effort is to construct and subsequently utilize the Separator for Capture Reactions (SECAR) optimized for measurements of radioactive capture reactions with low-energy FRIB radioactive beams.
This collaboration is open to anyone interested in nuclear astrophysics at FRIB. Please visit the FRIB Astrophysics Collaboration to join!