ISLA: ReA12 Recoil Separator

Working Group Conveners
Daniel Bazin (NSCL/MSU), Matt Amthor (University of Bucknell), Manoel Couder (ND), Wolfgang Mittig (NSCL/MSU), Jerry Nolen (ANL), Steven Pain (ORNL), Andrew Ratkiewicz (LLNL)
The goal of this working Group is to shape the requirements and characteristics of a device that can filter out unreacted beam particles and separate and characterize the reaction residues of interest for experiments at ReA12. Engineering studies for the ISLA layout and dipoles have started, and first discussions to address compatibility issues with detectors such as GRETA are underway.
Collaboration Meetings
- Workshop on a Recoil Separator for ReA12 -- July 12, 2014 at MSU/NSCL
- Physics and Experiments with a recoil separator at ReA12 -- August 21-22, 2013 at MSU
There were initially three different working groups on intermediate energy mass separators / recoil separators for FRIB:
- Gas-filled separator (Ken Gregorich, LBNL)
- High-efficiency spectrometer (ISLA or VAMOS-like) (Daniel Bazin, NSCL)
- Recoil Separator 1-3MeV/u (Darek Seweryniak, ANL)
These three groups merged into one at the Second Low Energy Community Meeting at ANL in 2012. The initial goal of this combined working group was to shape the requirements and characteristics of a device that can filter out unreacted beam particles and separate and characterize the reaction residues of interest.
As a first step, in the summer of 2012 the Co-Conveners called on the FRIB User community to put forth experimental concepts and ideas that would require a recoil separator at ReA12. These proposals were discussed at the August 2012 meeting and used to shape the preferred design of a ReA12 separator.
As a next step, a Topical Workshop on Physics & Experiments with a recoil separator at ReA12 was held on Aug. 21-22, 2013 at Michigan State University, with the overall Workshop goal is to identify and recommend an optimal solution for a proposed spectrometer.
This workshop was followed up a year later with a workshop on a Recoil Separator for ReA12 where the selection of the ISLA vacuum separator option was selected, and the physics case refined, in order to prepare the ISLA white paper.