Postdoc researcher ERC-funded NEXT project

24 January 2022

We are looking for a Postdoctoral researcher in experimental nuclear physics to join our ERC-funded NEXT project. Detailed information about the position can be found at:

Two post-doctoral researcher positions in the ALICE group

18 January 2022

ALICE is the only dedicated heavy-ion physics experiment at the CERN LHC. The Finnish ALICE group consists of researchers from the Helsinki Institute of Physics and University of Jyväskylä, located in Central Finland. We work with the Fast Interaction Trigger (FIT) detector and contribute to the R&D on the Forward Calorimeter (FoCal). In the physics analysis, we concentrate on collective flow and jets.

We are looking for two post-doctoral researchers to strengthen our group. The positions will be filled for two years. The work will involve detector responsibilities, experimental shifts, participation in test beam measurements, physics analysis, co-supervision of students, and may include limited teaching responsibilities. The FIT-related tasks will require presence at CERN and on-call expert responsibilities. In addition, the work involves code development and maintenance. The FoCal R&D occurs primarily at the University of Jyväskylä but includes regular visits to CERN. Candidates are expected to be active, take the initiative, do teamwork, and have organization skills.

The candidates should have a PhD in nuclear or high-energy physics. We appreciate previous hands-on experience with instrumentation, data analysis, programming skills with C++ and experience on large-scale computing in GRID or supercomputer environments. Knowhow in detector control systems or electronics is valued. In the FoCal R&D tasks, prior experience on data analysis with sampling calorimeters or knowledge in QCD saturation physics is a merit, but not requirement.

Applications should be emailed to Dr Sami Räsänen, by Sunday, 6th February 2022. The most suitable applicants will be interviewed. The call will remain open until the positions are filled. The work can start immediately after the agreement is reached.

Candidates should provide a research portfolio, CV and two letters of recommendation. The research portfolio should contain a compact description of the past research work and the acquired skills. The candidates should express their research interests and goals and explain why they should be considered for the job.

Further information:
Sami Räsänen
+358 40 8054725

Open Positions at the National Nuclear Data Center (NNDC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory

07 January 2022

The National Nuclear Data Center (NNDC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory has open positions for a staff member in nuclear structure data and a postdoctoral researcher in nuclear structure and/or nuclear reaction data. Review of applications has begun and will continue until the position is filled. Visit the links below for more information and instructions on how to apply.

Assistant Scientist in Nuclear Data :

Post Doc in Nuclear Data:

Postdoctoral fellowship in nuclear physics at CEA Saclay

04 January 2022

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Postdoctoral Position in the ERC Synergy Grant Project "ThoriumNuclearClock" at LMU Munich/Germany

04 January 2022

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