Professor position at KEK IPNS Wako Nuclear Science Center (Japan)

14 December 2022

KEK, Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies (IPNS) is seeking to fill one professor position with tenure. The successful candidate will belong to the Wako Nuclear Science Center of IPNS and is expected to lead nuclear science research, particularly for short-lived nuclides. One is requested to play a central role in developing the present and future KEK isotope Separator System and managing its joint usage by universities.

For more details and apply at the link:

Research Associate Positions in Experimental Systems R&D at FRIB

14 December 2022

The Facility For Rare Isotope Beams FRIB has position openings for post-doctoral researchers in Research and Development areas for Experimental Systems. The opening can be found at under job No 513277 or directly at

Post-doc position in experimental nuclear physics in Bordeaux

07 December 2022

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Seeking Postdoctoral Researchers or Contract Researchers, RIKEN Nishina Center

29 November 2022

Research Instruments Group of RIKEN Nishina Center is seeking Postdoctoral Researchers or Contract Researchers who will join the BigRIPS team or Detector Team. Please refer to the following URL for details.

  1. BigRIPS Team

  2. Detector Team

Deadline for applicant registration:
Noon, December 23, 2022 (Japan time)

We would be grateful if you could forward this information to anyone who might be interested in this call.

Professor of KEK IPNS Wako Nuclear Science Center

29 November 2022

KEK, Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies (IPNS) is seeking to fill one professor position with tenure. The successful candidate will belong to the Wako Nuclear Science Center of IPNS and is expected to lead nuclear science research, particularly for short-lived nuclides. One is requested to play a central role in developing the present and future KEK isotope Separator System and managing its joint usage by universities.

For more details and apply at the link:

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