Nuclear Physics in Eastern Tennessee Fellowship Program - call for applications

24 October 2023

The third year (2024) of the Nuclear Physics in Eastern TN fellowship program is now accepting applications. The Nuclear Physics in Eastern TN (NPET) Fellowship is an undergraduate internship program at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UT) and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). NPET Fellows will participate in a virtual 15-hour/week commitment during the academic school year followed by an in-person, full-time, 10-week summer program, and will be provided learning opportunities in nuclear physics. Students will be mentored by UT professors and ORNL scientists. Applications are open to physics majors at Minority Serving Institutions.

For additional information, please visit, consult the attached flyer, or reach out to Prof. Fomin (nfomin at

Postdoctoral position at University "Luigi Vanvitelli" in Caserta (Italy)

18 October 2023

This message announces the opening of a call for a post-doc position in Nuclear Theory that should start on February 1st 2024 at the Department of Mathematics and Physics of the University "Luigi Vanvitelli" in Caserta (Italy). The duration of the fellowship is 18 months, and the monthly net salary amounts to 1.9 kEuro.

The link to the text of the call, which has been published both in Italian and English, can be found on the webpage:

in a window under the subject:

Oggetto: DD.261- Bando di concorso per il conferimento di n. 1 assegno per lo svolgimento di attività di ricerca finanziati con fondi di Ateneo Progetto PRIN 2022 " Exploiting separation of scales in nuclear structure and dynamics"- TUTOR Prof. Luigi CORAGGIO.

The call will close on November 8th 2023, and the interviews of the candidates will be taken on November 14th 2023.

We ask you to spread the news of our post-doc position among young scientists who may be interested to challenge themselves in such a research topic and are versed in many-body nuclear physics with realistic nuclear forces. We point out that also graduate students who have not a PhD degree may apply.

This position is framed in a 2-year project that the Nuclear Theory group at University "Luigi Vanvitelli" will carry out from next fall in collaboration with the Nuclear Theory groups at the Universities of Pisa and Salento, and the topic of the research project is the nuclear structure study of nuclear low-energy EFT Hamiltonians.

Please, for those who are interested to apply for this fellowship and need information and help for the application, contact us at the addresses:

Luigi Coraggio:
Nunzio Itaco:

Post-doc position in Nuclear Theory at University of Salento, in Lecce (Italy)

16 October 2023

We are glad to announce the opening of a post-doc position in Nuclear Theory at University of Salento, in Lecce (Italy), starting approximately at the beginning of 2024 (but not later than February 2024). The duration of the fellowship is 24 months, with a monthly net salary of about 1.8kEuro.

The Research Unit has a well recognized expertise in effective theories of nuclear forces, few-body systems and many-body theory. Permanent members include Giampaolo Co', Luca Girlanda and Winfried Leidemann.This opening is framed in a 2-year project called "Exploiting separation of scales in nuclear structure and dynamics", which will be carried out in close collaboration with the Nuclear Theory groups at the University of Pisa and at the University "Luigi Vanvitelli" in Caserta.

The research project aims to the construction and the application of nuclear Hamiltonians in the framework of low-energy effective field theory (LEEFT), with nucleons or alpha-particle clusters as effective degrees of freedom.

The official call should happen during October or November 2023. In the meantime we kindly ask you to forward this announcement to potentially interested candidates. They are encouraged to contact us as soon as possible, in order to receive first-hand informations about the selection procedure.

Note that two similar but independent post-doc positions will be open at University of Pisa and University "Luigi Vanvitelli" in Caserta. You might have received similar announcements related to them.

We thank you for the attention, apologize with those who have already received this communication, and send you our best regards,

Giampaolo Co', Luca Girlanda and Winfried Leidemann.

For further details please contact Luca Girlanda (

Assistant Professor in Experimental or Theoretical Nuclear Physics at University of Connecticut

12 October 2023

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Summer Internships at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory – Undergraduate and Graduate Opportunities

12 October 2023

Are you interested in joining some of the brightest talent in the world to strengthen the United States' security? Come join Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) where our employees apply their expertise to create solutions for BIG ideas that make our world a better place.

We are looking for individuals that demonstrate an understanding of working in partnership with team peers, who engage, advocate, and contribute to building an inclusive culture, and provide expertise to solve challenging problems.

The Defense Science and Technology Internship (DSTI) prepares graduate and undergraduate students for experimental, theoretical, and computational research in many disciplines, such as:
• Astrophysics
• Hydrodynamics
• Turbulence
• Plasma physics
• Inertial confinement physics
• Radiation/particle transport
• Nuclear Physics

We have multiple opportunities for student interns to join a dynamic research environment. Participating students are assigned a research mentor and a project that coincides with the student's research interests. The interns have the opportunity to interact with staff scientists, give oral presentations, and learn about other interesting research at LLNL. Internships are available for three-month time frames during the summer, and are competitively paid.

Interns use state-of-the-art simulation codes and have access to world-class facilities including lasers, pulse power machines, and massively parallel supercomputers. The DSTI program includes a summer lecture series and other technical and social activities.


Undergraduate posting:

Graduate posting:

Graduate posting for computation:

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