Postdoctoral Researcher in experimental nuclear physics - Department of Physics, University of Jyväskylä

13 November 2023

We are seeking to recruit a Postdoctoral Researcher in experimental nuclear physics for the JYFL Accelerator Laboratory, Department of Physics, University of Jyväskylä, Finland starting from April 1st, 2024, or as soon as agreed for two years.

The detailed information officially and how-to-apply link is in:

The fixed-term position is part of the Academy of Finland funded project "Mass measurements of exotic N=Z nuclei (up to 100Sn) and the vicinity for nuclear physics and nuclear astrophysics studies" ( The person to be hired for the project will be responsible for the development and test of methods for producing neutron-deficient heavy nuclei along the proton drip line, analysis of data related to the mass measurement experiment, and contribution to developing and maintaining IGISOL at top shape. The postdoc will join and be heavily involved in the experiments for mass measurements of exotic N=Z area nuclei at RIBF/RIKEN Nishina centre in Japan when the beam time will be scheduled. Furthermore, interests in other related physics motivation and novel techniques related to IGISOL or other radioactive ion-beam facilities (GSI-FAIR, GAINIL, …) are also highly encouraged and supported.

For questions, please contact any of us:
Zhuang Ge,,
Tommi Eronen,,
Anu Kankainen,

Postdoctoral Position in the Theoretical Nuclear Physics Research Group at the Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb

09 November 2023

The Theoretical Nuclear Physics Group of the Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia, seeks outstanding candidate for two-year postdoctoral position. The successful candidate will be engaged in frontier research on nuclear structure, dynamics and astrophysically relevant nuclear processes based on relativistic nuclear energy density functional theory. Competitive salary will be offered, 3.625 EUR monthly, paid in total as fellowship.

To be considered for the position, candidate must have:
• Ph.D. in nuclear physics, received within past 7 years
• should be from the EU or state involved or associated in Horizon Europe programme

For more details, interested applicants should contact Nils Paar ( before November 20, 2023.

Tenure Track Assistant or Associate Professor Position in Nuclear Engineering at the Air Force Institute of Technology

02 November 2023

The Department of Engineering Physics at the Air Force Institute of Technology, located on WrightPatterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, is seeking applicants for a tenure track position in Nuclear Engineering at the Assistant or Associate Professor level. The combination of competitively selected students, quality research facilities, and Department of Defense support for our program provide unique opportunities for new faculty to quickly develop successful research programs.

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Postdoctoral fellowships - Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy at TRIUMF

24 October 2023

In support of our Nuclear Physics program, we are currently accepting applications to fill two Postdoctoral Researcher roles within our Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy at ISAC (GRSI) group. The successful candidates will have the opportunity to lead and support basic research experiments utilizing all aspects of the TIGRESS Sprectrometer at ISAC.

Greg Hackman

Broad range of positions in the Detection Physics group at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

24 October 2023

The Detection Physics group at PNNL is currently seeking to hire across a broad range of positions from post-docs to senior staff. Titles and links are given below. The Detection Physics group works across several various areas of physics to solve national security problems and advance fundamental physics.

Feel free to send Stephanie Lyons ( any questions.

Please share this message with any potentially interested researchers.

Links to open positions:
• SuperCDMS Physicist (Req ID: 7911)
• Group Leader - Detection Physics (Req ID: 7591)
• Senior Physicist in Low Background Detection (Req ID: 7750)
• Senior Low Background Detection Physicist – Level 4 (Req ID: 7411)
• Low Background Detection Physicist – Level 3 (Req ID: 7899)
• Low Background Detection Physicist – Level 2 (Req ID: 7897)
• Post-Doctorate Research Associate: Neutrinos and Dark Matter (Req ID: 7915)
• Post-Doctorate Research Associate: Low Background Detection (Req ID: 7916)
• Post-Doctorate Research Associate: Radiation Detection Data Scientist (Req ID: 7917)
• Post Doctorate Research Associate: Quantum Information Science and Technology (Req ID: 7525)

The general link to PNNL's jobs page is

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