Postdoctoral Position at the University of York

02 September 2020

The Nuclear Physics Group at the University of York, UK, has an opening for a post-doctoral research associate in Nuclear Physics associated with the AGATA Project (Advanced Gamma-ray Tracking Array). The post holder will take a leading role in developing advanced simulations and analysis techniques to support the AGATA project and the operation of AGATA at future facilities. More information and instructions on how to apply for this position can be found here:


Closing date: 28th September 2020. Enquiries to Mike Bentley ( or Marina Petri (

Postdoctoral position in experimental nuclear physics at CEA (near Paris)

01 September 2020

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Postdoctoral position in experimental nuclear or particle physics at CEA Saclay

31 August 2020

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Postdoctoral Positions in the Nuclear Theory Department at GSI

24 August 2020

Several postdoctoral positions related to nuclear astrophysics are now open within the ERC Advanced Grant project KILONOVA "Probing r-process nucleosynthesis through its electromagnetic signatures" at the GSI theory department

Postdoctoral researcher in Nuclear Astrophysics (nuclear theory)

Postdoctoral researcher in Nuclear Astrophysics (astrophysical modeling)

Postdoctoral researcher in Nuclear Astrophysics (kilonova modeling)

The positions are for two years and can start earliest on January 1st, 2021. The evaluation of the applications will start on October 1st, 2020 and will continue until the position is filled.

Postdoctoral Researcher in Low-Energy Experimental Nuclear Physics at LLNL

19 August 2020

The Nuclear and Particle Physics Group at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory has an opening for a Postdoctoral Researcher to play a major role in developing and conducting experiments to improve the beta-decay data for fission products that are of importance to stockpile stewardship, nuclear energy, and nuclear astrophysics. This research takes advantage of the radioactive beams available at facilities such as CARIBU at Argonne National Laboratory and FRIB at Michigan State University. The responsibilities include setting up and participating in experiments, performing data analysis, and interpreting and publishing the results. You will also have opportunities to participate in the overall beta-decay program of the group, and maintain a close collaboration with the nuclear theory and data evaluation community.

More details about the position and a link to the application page can be found here:

Any questions about this position can be directed to Karolina Kolos ( or 925-422-8075).

The position will remain opened until filled.

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