Research Associate Positions at FRIB

18 February 2022

FRIB is seeking to fill two Research Associate positions. For more information, please see the following links:

Research Associate Position in the FRIB Beam Instrumentation and Measurements Department:

Research Associate Position in Experimental Research:

Postdoc Position in Nuclear Structure Theory at Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien in Strasbourg, France

14 February 2022

A post-doc position is currently open in the Nuclear Structure Theory group in Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien in Strasbourg, France.

The description of the position, eligibility criteria and application procedure can be found here:

The deadline for application is 25th of February.

Physics Engineer position at the PRISMA Detector Lab at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) in Germany

11 February 2022

The PRISMA Detector Lab has an opening for a permanent Physics Engineer position: (German version) (English version)

We would like to ask you to forward this information to suitable candidates or your experiment collaborations.

Best regards,

on behalf of the Detector Lab team Quirin Weitzel, Andrea Brogna, Niklaus Berger, Uwe Oberlack

Call for Special Postdoctoral Researcher (SPDR) position at RIKEN

09 February 2022

RIKEN has made a call for applications for the positions of Special Postdoctoral Researcher (SPDR) for FY 2023, and the detail of the call can be found in the following link.

The hosting research groups are listed in the following link.

If you are interested in applying to the SPDR program, please contact the PIs in the list in prior to the application.

My group in the Cluster of Pioneering Research at RIKEN, the High Energy Nuclear Physics Laboratory, is also seeking applicants to the SPDR program. We are working on experimental hypernuclear physics, related hadron physics and nuclear applications. Please contact me with the following email address if you are interested in applying the SPDR program with my group. or

Multiple Postdoc Positions available at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

04 February 2022

At PNNL we are searching for multiple Postdoctoral Research Associates to be part of our multidisciplinary team to work at the intersection of national security, environmental sciences, and nuclear/particle physics instrumentation. I would appreciate if you could forward this announcement to any potential candidates. We recognize that no single candidate will meet all of our needs, therefore we encourage all potential candidates to apply.

Position posting:

The positions will involve significant hands-on work with low-background radiation detectors (germanium detectors, gas proportional counters, and liquid scintillators), sample collections and preparation (e.g. noble gas processing from whole air, noble gas purification, electrolytic enrichment of water samples for tritium measurements), and the fundamental development of radiation detectors and gas separations systems. Experience with the challenges associated with low-background techniques are beneficial. Due to our multidisciplinary needs, we are encouraging candidates from diverse backgrounds, in physics, nuclear engineering, and environmental sciences to apply.

If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to Stephanie Lyons at

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