Postdoc position at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

02 February 2023

We are seeking an excellent candidate for a postdoc position in our laser spectroscopy program at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.

For further details use the following a link:

Postdoctoral Research Fellow position in experimental nuclear physics, at TRIUMF, Canada

25 January 2023

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Postdoctoral Research Associate Position in Nuclear Theory at FRIB

25 January 2023

For more information, please see the posting here:

Post-doc position for ion trapping with the Edinburgh Nuclear Physics Group

25 January 2023

We are currently looking for a "Postdoctoral Research Associate in Experimental Nuclear Physics" to work on the further development of ion trapping techniques for nuclear physics and applications beyond fundamental sciences. Application deadline is the 7th of March 2023, additional details can be found online at:

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MARS Simulation Lead in the Target Systems Department at Fermilab

20 January 2023

The Target Systems Department of the Fermilab Accelerator Directorate seeks an individual to become the successor for the current MARS Group Lead, Nikolai Mokhov. For job description and other details, please see or

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