Postdoc position in Nuclear Structure at TU Darmstadt and GSI Darmstadt

28 February 2023

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PhD position in Nuclear Structure at TU Darmstadt and GSI Darmstadt

28 February 2023

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Postdoc position at FRIB in Accelerator Physics

27 February 2023

Tenure track position in experimental nuclear physics at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany

03 February 2023

We would like to bring your attention to this open tenure track position in experimental nuclear physics, advertized in the Nuclear Physics Institute at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany.

Two PhD positions in the Netherlands

02 February 2023

We have two openings for PhD positions within the Dutch consortium "Probing the phase diagram of quantum chromodynamics" available. One position will be embedded at Nikhef in Amsterdam focusing on Experimental High-Energy Heavy-Ion Physics

For detailed information see

The second position will be embedded at the van Swinderen Institute for Particle Physics and Gravity at the University of Groningen focusing on Nuclear Physics at Low Energies

For detailed information see

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