Junior Professor position at University of Caen Normandy

27 June 2023

The university of Caen Normandie opens a tenure track position (CPJ) at LPC Caen with, after 4-5 years, a permanent professorship. The profile is quite open, in nuclear physics, on the SPIRAL2 facilities.

The dead-line for application is midday on September 11.

In anticipation of the opening university website and for further information, interested candidates may send an email to lienard@lpccaen.in2p3.fr

Please see the following website for more information: https://www.lpc-caen.in2p3.fr/en/education/jobs-internships-thesis/

Postdoc position at the Department of Nuclear Chemistry, Czech Technical University in Prague

19 June 2023

At the Department of Nuclear Chemistry https://www.fjfi.cvut.cz/en/faculty/departments-and-workplaces/department-of-nuclear-chemistry of the Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU), we are opening a postdoc position on the electrochemistry of homologues of superheavy elements. At CTU, the fellow will become a team member of the FAIR-CZ project "Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) – participation of the Czech Republic" (https://www.vyzkumne-infrastruktury.cz/en/physic/fair-cz/).

The position is for two years and application deadline is November 30th: https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/116689

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Applied Physicist Staff Scientist Position at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

12 June 2023

The Nuclear Science Division at LBNL has an opening for an Applied Physicist Staff Scientist. The successful applicant will contribute to ongoing activities and establish new initiatives in applied radiation detection and imaging.

The posting can be found here - https://jobs.lbl.gov/jobs/applied-physicist-staff-scientist-radiation-detection-and-imaging-5818

Senior Lecturer in Experimental Nuclear Physics at University of Jyväskylä

30 May 2023

We are looking to fill a position as a Senior Lecturer in Experimental Nuclear Physics. The advertisement can be found at the link below. Please forward this message to those you feel may be interested in applying and to your mailing lists.


Postdoctoral Researcher (Physicist, Chemist or Material Scientist) (all genders) – Tenure Track at the target laboratory at GSI in Darmstadt, Germany

12 May 2023

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