Post-Doctoral Fellowship at GANIL

31 August 2023

The Grand Accélérateur National d'Ions Lourds (GANIL) calls for applications of young researcher post-doctoral fellows for a two years position, in the field of experimental nuclear physics, starting from November 2023. The successful candidate will be involved in the research activities related to the structure and dynamics of superheavy nuclei using the Super Separator Spectrometer S3 and its detector SIRIUS.

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Director of TRIUMF's Physical Sciences Division

30 August 2023

We are seeking an internationally recognised physicist with superb scientific and leadership skills to be appointed as the Director of TRIUMF's Physical Sciences Division (PSD).

For more information:

Postdoctoral Fellow – BSM Physics with Cryogenic Sensors: SALER @ FRIB

30 August 2023

The Electroweak Interactions Group at the Colorado School of Mines is recruiting a post-doctoral researcher to perform the first work on the new SALER experiment at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) at Michigan State University. We seek a candidate with significant experience in low-temperature physics using cryogenic sensing techniques. The candidate should have an interest in applying these methods to search for physics Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) via precision measurements of nuclear decay. The successful candidate will be integrated into both the BeEST and SALER experiments and will be expected to lead the SALER technical development at FRIB and participate in data analysis. The primary responsibility of the researcher will be to set up and commission the new SALER experiment in the ReA3 hall at FRIB at Michigan State University. This will involve beamline integration of the adiabatic demagnetization refrigerator (ADR) (in collaboration with local technical staff), mounting and repair of superconducting sensors and wiring, and performing off-line measurements using stable ion beam, pulsed lasers, and a low-energy X-ray generator. The researcher will be stationed full-time at FRIB in East Lansing, Michigan, USA, and will manage the local experimental and laboratory facilities related to the superconducting sensing programs. Occasional travel to Colorado and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (California) may be required. The candidate must be able to work well in diverse, mid-sized international collaborations, and will be responsible for documenting and disseminating their research work according to guidelines of the collaborations. The initial post-doctoral fellow appointment will be for two years, with the possible extension of a third.

The job ad including details on the position and application process can be found with the posting here: For full consideration, applications should be submitted prior to October 1, 2023, however the position will remain open until filled.

Please contact Kathleen Feighny in Human Resources at Colorado School of Mines with any questions (

Career-Track Physicist Staff Scientist in the Nuclear Structure Group at LBNL

28 August 2023

The Nuclear Science Division (NSD) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) is inviting applications for a Career-Track Physicist Staff Scientist position (in exceptional circumstances, a Career appointment will be considered). Candidates should be outstanding scientists with a focus on conducting original experimental physics research with an emphasis on the properties and reactions of exotic nuclei. For full consideration, applications should be submitted by October 27th, 2023.

The successful candidate will join the Nuclear Structure Group, and will be expected to lead the development of a research program in low-energy nuclear physics, leveraging recent advances in the field associated with the capabilities at facilities including FRIB.

The Nuclear Structure Group sits within NSD's Low-Energy Nuclear Physics Program which also includes major activities to study the properties of the heaviest elements and to carry out nuclear data evaluation and measurements for basic and the applied nuclear science communities. We develop, construct, and utilize advanced instrumentation for this work, including the gamma-ray tracking arrays GRETINA and GRETA, and the heavy element mass separators BGS and FIONA. Across the program research is carried out locally at the 88-Inch Cyclotron (LBNL's high-intensity stable-beam accelerator), at the Argonne ATLAS/CARIBU facility, and at the rare-isotope beam facilities FRIB at Michigan State University, the Rare Isotope Beam Factory (RIBF) at RIKEN, and the ISAC Facility at TRIUMF.

To find more details, and to apply, please go to the link:

For questions about the position, please contact Dr. Rod Clark at

FRIB Theory Alliance Fellow

23 August 2023

The FRIB Theory Alliance is seeking outstanding candidates for an FRIB Theory Fellow. The fellow will be hosted by one of the Partner Institutions listed below. The successful candidate will conduct independent or collaborative research on theoretical nuclear structure, reactions, astrophysics, and/or fundamental symmetries relevant to the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB). The FRIB Theory Alliance is a consortium of universities and national laboratories actively engaged in theoretical research in FRIB science. FRIB is a new national user facility for nuclear science, funded by the DOE Office of Science and operated by Michigan State University.

The FRIB Theory Fellowship is a two-year position with the possibility of renewal for a maximum of five years. The initial stipend is $90k and this position has an annual travel budget of up to $5k. Additional funds will be provided for travel to FRIB. The FRIB Theory Fellow will be an employee of Michigan State University stationed at either Argonne National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, or the University of Notre Dame. The selection of the host institution will be made through negotiations with the successful candidate and the partner institutions. The successful candidate must demonstrate great promise for high achievement in FRIB science. Past fellows have a track record of moving directly into open faculty or permanent staff positions.

In their application materials, applicants should communicate their preferences with regards to specific hosting institutions. Hosting institutions and host contact information are: Argonne National Laboratory: Alessandro Lovato ( Oak Ridge National Laboratory: Thomas Papenbrock ( University of Notre Dame: S. Ragnar Stroberg (

Please apply at Academic Jobs Online The application deadline is October 15th, 2023. Three reference letters are also due by this date. If you have any questions, please contact Calvin Johnson (

MSU is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. MSU is committed to achieving excellence through cultural diversity. The university actively encourages applications and/or nominations of women, persons of color, veterans and persons with disabilities.

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