Post-doc position at Pisa University

11 September 2023

This message announces the opening by the end of the year of one post-doc position in Nuclear Theory, that should start at the beginning of 2024 – not later than next February 2024 - at the Department of Physics of the University of Pisa (Italy). The duration of the fellowship is 24 months, and the monthly net salary amounts to about 1.8 kEuro.

The Nuclear Theory group in Pisa has a world-wide recognized experience in ab-initio methods and nuclear reactions also of astrophysical interest. Furthermore, the group is systematically invited to be part of experimental collaborations (among which LUNA and PTOLEMY at the Gran Sasso National Labs, ALICE at LHC, Hall A at Jefferson Lab), in order to provide their theoretical predictions both in the preparatory phase of the experiment and in the final comparison with experimental data.

The post-doc position of this announcement is framed in a 2-year project called "Exploiting separation of scales in nuclear structure and dynamics", which will be carried out in collaboration with the Nuclear Theory groups at the University "Luigi Vanvitelli"of Caserta and the University of Salento. The project will be devoted to the study of nuclear Hamiltonians constructed by way of low-energy effective field theory(LEEFT), in which the effective degrees of freedom can be either nucleons (pions are integrated out) and/or clusters, typically alpha particles, and to the application of these Hamiltonian to nuclear structure and dynamics. In particular, the Pisa unit is going to investigate the subleading three-nucleon interaction, fitting the low-energy constants to A=3 scattering observables, and to derive consistent electro-weak transition operators. This will allow then to address few-nucleon reactions of astrophysical interest, or relevant for energy production through nuclear fusion, the search of new physics (dark-matter, exotic nuclear states and phenomena, etc.), the study of hypernuclei.

The official call for the post-doc position should be open during October or November 2023, surely not later than the end of the year. We kindly ask you to spread the news already among young scientists who may be interested to challenge themselves in such a research topic. In this case, we encourage them to contact us as soon as possible, in order to receive first-hand information about the official start of the call.

Note that in connection to this position, two other post-doc positions will be open (one at the University "Luigi Vanvitelli"of Caserta and the other at the University of Salento), related to their part of research in the project mentioned above - you might have received a similar announcement for this.

Professor and Department Head Position at Mississippi State University, Department of Physics & Astronomy

07 September 2023

The Department of Physics & Astronomy at Mississippi State University (MSU) is pleased to invite applications for the position of Department Head. The department is at a critical juncture in its growth and seeks a dynamic, strategic, and effective leader to fully realize the potential of its faculty, staff, and students.

The department, with approximately 35 undergraduates and 45 graduate students, forms a critical component of science and technology education and research across a thriving and entrepreneurial campus that values and supports interdisciplinary and collaborative studies and transformative research. Reporting to the Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences, the largest college on campus, the position is a 12-month appointment charged with responsibilities for all departmental operations including strategic planning, fiscal and personnel management, academic scheduling, resource allocation, and fundraising. The successful candidate should demonstrate strong administrative skills, leadership experience, a national reputation, and a track record of excellence in research, teaching, and other scholarly activities- required for appointment at the rank of Full Professor. We encourage applicants with a bold and strategic vision for academic administration, research, and teaching.

The department has a total of 18 tenured/tenure-track faculty, 5 non-tenure-track faculty, several adjunct faculty, and 5 permanent staff. Faculty conduct research in experimental, theoretical, and computational areas of several core sub-fields, such as condensed matter physics, nuclear physics, astronomy, biophysics, quantum computing, AMO, and plasma physics. Faculty research is supported by external grants from a variety of agencies including NASA, NIH, NSF, DOE, and ARO and two currently hold prestigious early career awards. In recent years, the department's annual research expenditures routinely exceed $3 million, with an expectation of continued growth. The department grants B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Physics through the College of Arts and Sciences, and a Ph.D. degree in Applied Physics through the Bagley College of Engineering. Faculty and students collaborate widely across departments, colleges, and institutes, such as the Institute for Clean Energy Technology, the High-Performance Computing Collaboratory- which hosts the 7th fastest computer in the U.S. academia, the Center for Computational Sciences, and the Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems. The department houses an electronics shop, a self-service machine shop and a 3D printing facility. The department also operates the Howell Observatory which is primarily used for outreach and community engagement. Additional information on the Physics and Astronomy department is available at

MSU is the leading research university in the state, a comprehensive Carnegie R1 (Very High Research Activity) campus that serves more than 23,000 students. Known for its campus beauty and as the home of the Ulysses S. Grant Presidential Library, MSU is enhanced by robust relationships with the surrounding area and is further recognized by the Carnegie Foundation for the strength of its community engagement. For seven consecutive years MSU has been named as a "Great College to Work For" by The Chronicle of Higher Education, and featured in their higher distinction category of "Great Colleges Honor Roll" list. A founding member of the Southeastern Conference with a strong athletic heritage, MSU thrives on its land-grant mission to serve and inspire the people of Mississippi and is proud to be among the 10 percent of U.S. colleges and universities that shelter a Phi Beta Kappa chapter, the nation's oldest and most prestigious academic honor society. Located in the growing city of Starkville, Mississippi's College Town, we are situated within a short drive of more than 120,000 acres of state and federal natural areas, with abundant opportunities for recreation.

Applicants must apply online at (search job 506517 under the Careers tab). Complete applications must include a cover letter, a CV, a statement of administrative experience and philosophy (2-page maximum), a statement of research and teaching expertise and goals (2-page maximum), a vision statement for promoting growth while maintaining a collegial and respectful atmosphere free from harassment and ensuring equal opportunity for all (2-page maximum), and contact information for five references. Screening of applications will begin November 14, 2023, but the position will remain open, and applications accepted, until filled. Informal inquiries may be directed to the Search Committee Chair, Dr. John Rodgers (

MSU is an equal opportunity employer, and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, ethnicity, sex (including pregnancy and gender identity), national origin, disability status, age, sexual orientation, genetic information, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. We always welcome nominations and applications from women, members of any minority group, and others who share our passion for building an inclusive community that reflects the diversity of our student population.

Postdoctoral Position at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Laboratory for Nuclear Science (LNS), working at JLab

07 September 2023

The Laboratory for Nuclear Science (LNS), to work on the CLAS12 experiment at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility in Newport News, Virginia. The MIT-CLAS12 group, led by Professor Richard Milner, is currently focused on measurement of deeply virtual exclusive processes, and development of a polarized He-3 target for use in CLAS12. The position will offer further opportunities to participate in any part of the group activities.

Review of applications will begin at the time of receipt and the position will remain open until filled. To ensure full consideration, candidates should apply by November 1, 2023. Applicants are asked to submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and brief statement of research interests and experience via both the AJO website (in a single pdf) and directly to Professor Richard Milner at Please also arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent to Professor Milner via email.

Any questions may also be directed to Professor Milner.

The appointment will initially be for one year, renewable for additional one-year increments contingent upon satisfactory performance and available funding.

Job Requirements A recent Ph.D. in physics, preferably experimental nuclear or particle physics; and an interest in both the analysis and simulation of CLAS12 data and hardware.

MIT is an equal employment opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment and will not be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability, age, genetic information, veteran status, ancestry, or national or ethnic origin. MIT's full policy on Nondiscrimination can be found here. Employment is contingent upon the completion of a satisfactory background check, including verifying any finding of misconduct (or pending investigation) from prior employers.

To apply:

Post-doc position at the Department of Mathematics and Physics of the University "Luigi Vanvitelli"

05 September 2023

This message announces the opening by the end of this year of a post-doc position in Nuclear Theory that should start at the beginning of 2024 – not later than next February - at the Department of Mathematics and Physics of the University "Luigi Vanvitelli" in Caserta (Italy). The duration of the fellowship is 18 months, and the monthly net salary amounts to 1.9 kEuro.

The Nuclear Theory group at University "Luigi Vanvitelli" is going to investigate the properties of the equation of state of infinite nuclear matter starting from low-energy effective theory (LEEFT) Hamiltonians, as well as to derive shell-model effective Hamiltonians and decay operators aimed to study beta-decay properties of nuclei that are candidates to the observation of neutrinoless double-beta decay.

In low-energy effective theory, the effective degrees of freedom can be either nucleons (pions are integrated out) and/or clusters, typically alpha particles. Then, only contact interactions take place among nucleons/clusters, organized in a systematic expansion.

The official call should start during October 2023, and we ask you to spread the news of our post-doc position among young scientists who may be interested to challenge themselves in such a research topic, and are versed in many-body nuclear physics with realistic nuclear forces. We point out that also graduate students who have not a PhD degree may apply.

This position is framed in a 2-year project that the Nuclear Theory group at University "Luigi Vanvitelli" will carry out from next fall in collaboration with the Nuclear Theory groups at the Universities of Pisa and Salento, and the topic of the research project is the nuclear structure study of nuclear LEEFT Hamiltonians.

Please, for those who are interested to apply for this fellowship, contact us in order to receive first-hand information about the official start of the call:

Luigi Coraggio:
Nunzio Itaco:

Postdoctoral Scientist Position for HPGe Detector Development at LBNL

05 September 2023

Lawrence Berkeley National Lab's (LBNL) Nuclear Science Division Division has an opening for a Postdoctoral Scientist to join the team within the Applied Nuclear Physics program. The position is focused on research towards the development, modeling, and characterization of a next-generation High Purity Germanium detector system primarily focused on nuclear structure experiments.

Please consider applying! More details are available here:

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