Professorship for experimental nuclear physics for nuclear structure physics at the University of Cologne

17 January 2024

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Experimental nuclear physics reasearch position (CNRS) at LP2i Bordeaux - France

17 January 2024

The CNRS opens 8 permanent researcher positions for nuclear, particle and astroparticle physics (see, one of them being in the "Exotic Nuclei" group ((, contact: J. Giovinazzo, at Laboratoire de Physique des 2 infinis at Bordeaux (

From CNRS website: 1 scientist on the theme : "Experimental nuclear physics at GANIL", assigned at the Laboratoire de Physique des 2 Infinis (LP2I) in Bordeaux: Experimental nuclear physics for GANIL nuclear structure and reactions activities, within the Noyaux Exotiques team of the Laboratoire de Physique des 2 Infinis (LP2I) in Bordeaux.

Applications should be sent before February 9th 2024:
• information can be found here:
• application must be done here:
(in french)
(in english)

Two post-doctoral positions in nuclear theory and nuclear astrophysics

09 January 2024

We would like to draw your attention to the following announcement for two post-doctoral positions in nuclear theory and nuclear astrophysics:

IJCLab has an opening for a postdoctoral researcher to pursue research on relativistic Lagrangians, energy density functionnals approaches applied to finite nuclei, spherical and deformed systems.

IP2I Lyon has an opening for a postdoctoral researcher to pursue research on relativistic Lagrangians, dense matter equation of state and phase transitions, and neutron star phenomenology

The two positions are related to a synergetic project in the field of theoretical nuclear and astronuclear physics. IJCLab and IP2I have long records in the development of relativistic approaches for nuclear systems. We are now investigating together relativistic approaches for the description of finite nuclei and neutron stars in view of the recent advances of effective methods derived from QCD. The project is to develop new relativistic Hartree-Fock approaches for the description of finite nuclei and dense matter equation of state and we are looking for complementary expertises for the two positions. In addition, short term visits at IRL NPA, East Lansing, USA are also possible.

The candidates will be selected according to their expertise in the field related to the project, and their knowledge in numerical methods and computer languages, such as python, C or Fortran95 will also be appreciated.

The deadline is 21/01/2024 for a position which could start, at earliest, on 01/04/2024.

In complement to the official application, we kindly ask the candidates to send their application file to Prof. Guy Chanfray

An interview will be organized virtually for the short list of candidates.

More information about the project could be find at the following address:

Official application: To apply to the position at IJCLab Orsay, please visit: To apply to the position at IP2I Lyon, please visit:


Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy Postdoctoral Research Associate at Idaho National Laboratory

13 December 2023

The Idaho National Laboratory (INL) is seeking a well-qualified Postdoctoral Research Associate in Nuclear Engineering or comparable disciplines for the Materials Minimization, Security, and International Safeguards Department in the Nuclear Nonproliferation Division.

The successful candidate will have a background in nuclear safeguards and experience with Non-Destructive Assay (NDA) techniques – including gamma-ray spectroscopy. The candidate should be experienced in handling radioactive samples or possess a strong desire to learn. The candidate will work with researchers and nuclear facility operators to perform NDA measurements of nuclear material in-situ and ex-situ. The responsibilities include setting up and participating in experiments, performing data analysis, and interpreting and publishing the results. One area of research will be to assist in the development and operation of a microcalorimetry gamma-ray spectroscopy instrument for nuclear material quantification.

For more information, please visit the website:

Postdoctoral Research position in Nuclear Physics (HISTARS project) - Universidad Complutense de Madrid

11 December 2023

The Nuclear Physics Group ( at Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) is offering a Postdoctoral Research position to support the development of HISTARS, the HIE-ISOLDE Timing Array for Reaction Studies, a highly sensitive detector for measuring lifetimes of nuclear excited states populated in reactions at the HIE-ISOLDE accelerator (ISOLDE, CERN).

HISTARS aims at further exploiting the vast possibilities offered by HIE-ISOLDE for research in nuclear structure, nuclear astrophysics and other fields. HISTARS intends to profit from recent developments in instrumentation and electronics, and to take advantage of improvements in digital signal processing, to build a device for the measurement of lifetimes of excited states populated in reactions. State-of-the-art fast scintillator detectors for gamma-ray detection and charged-particle detector with good time response and high-rate capabilities will be employed.

The selected applicant will join the diverse and dynamic Nuclear Physics Group at UCM, and play a leading role in the development of the HISTARS device and the associated experimental techniques. The successful candidate is expected to contribute to decay and in-beam spectroscopy research activities, lead future experiments, data analysis and interpretation or results, help to supervise postgraduate students and present results at relevant international conferences and meetings.

Applicants should have completed a Ph.D. in nuclear physics or associated fields and have a good understanding of instrumentation for spectroscopy radiation measurements, including fast scintillator and semiconductor detectors, as well as proven experience in designing and analysing nuclear structure experiments. Readiness to travel to CERN and other international laboratories, and the ability to communicate effectively within large transnational collaborations are essential.

This post is offered on a fixed-term basis until the end of December 2025, with a gross salary of 35 000 € per annum. The public selection procedure will follow the guidelines defined by Universidad Complutense de Madrid,

For further information please contact Prof. Luis Mario FRAILE at or

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