KEK PosDoc positions for experimental studies on particle physics, nuclear physics, and R&D for the related technology

07 July 2017

Posdoc position for experimental research at IPNS/KEK is open for application.

Deadline is Nov. 30(Thu), 17:00JST, 2017 sharp.

Applicant can choose whatever subject among the particle and nuclear physics experiments or R&D for the related technologies being executed in IPNS/KEK.

Open research position in Theoretical Nuclear Physics - PADOVA, Italy

30 June 2017

The university of Padova (Italy) has issued a call for 20 researcher positions, one of which is reserved for Low-energy Theoretical Nuclear Physics (Structure and Reactions) within the Department of Physics and Astronomy. The activity of the nuclear theory group is connected and profits from the activity of the nuclear experimental groups in Padova and at the nearby nuclear laboratory in Legnaro. The deadline is 20 July 2017, please spread this information to your colleagues.

The researcher (type RUA) will have a full time contract for the duration of three years with mainly research duties and some teaching duties (1 course per year, about 60 h of teaching).

Admission procedure: -Ph.D. (or equivalent title) is required -12 publications will be evaluated by a commission to form a shortlist -interview

Expected start: end of year 2017 The net salary will be approximately 23 kEUR per year. The researcher will have access, as the other members of the group, to funds for travels.

Details can be found at:

1) Call (Bando) number 1847 - 2017RUA04 - see "ALLEGATO 2"


Please do not hesitate to contact Lorenzo Fortunato ( or Andrea Vitturi ( for further information and/or help in filling the application form.

Lorenzo Fortunato

Dip. Fisica e Astronomia "G.Galilei" UNIVERSITA' di PADOVA & I.N.F.N. - Padova via Marzolo,8 - I-35131 Padova - ITALIA

tel.+39-049-8277197 fax. +39-049-8762641

Senior Detector Physicist at Varex Imaging

27 June 2017

The Detector Physicist will support the design and development of new Amorphous Silicon and CMOS x-ray detectors for diagnostic, therapeutic and industrial imaging applications. Responsibilities also include the support of all yield, performance and process improvements for x-ray detectors manufactured or assembled by Varex Imaging. This position reports to the Senior Manager of Engineering in the Santa Clara, California office. More info at

LANL Postdoc Vacancy: Neutron/Gamma Imaging Postdoc Research Associate

27 June 2017

The Physics Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory invites outstanding applicants for postdoctoral positions in the Advanced Imaging team of the Neutron Science and Technology group (P-23). The advanced imaging team studies a wide range of physics in support of national security, requiring the continuous advancement, development and application of new imaging techniques. As a member of the team, this scientist will be responsible for analyzing experimental data, maintain existing code and develop new computational tools for image analysis and simulation of the image formation techniques. The successful candidate will have an understanding of image processing techniques (specifically ill-posed problems), particle interactions with materials, an ability to perform calculations and simulations of these processes and use measurements to answer scientific questions for a wide range of investigations. These measurements will support a wide range of projects, including proton radiography at LANSCE, existing and future flash x‐ray radiography at the NNSS, neutron imaging at NIF, Omega and NNSS, electron radiography at SLAC as well as contributing to the development of novel measurement techniques for the future MaRIE facility at LANL. The candidate will be responsible for presenting results at international conferences and writing papers for peer‐reviewed publications. As the candidate will represent the advanced imaging team and its work at international meetings and conferences, the candidate must have strong presentation skills, participate in professional societies, develop and maintain strong collaborations with colleagues at relevant universities, national laboratories and in industry. More details can be found at

PhD Position at Institute for Nuclear Physics, Technical University Darmstadt

15 June 2017

We have an opening for a doctoral student position within the Collaborative Research Center SFB 1245 of the DFG at the Institut für Kernphysik of the Technische Universität Darmstadt (payment 2/3 of salary scale E13).

The goal of SFB 1245 is a systematic understanding of nuclei across the nuclear chart from effective field theories of the strong interaction that are tested with key experiments at the superconducting Darmstadt electron linear accelerator (S-DALINAC) and other world-leading accelerator centers.

The PhD project focuses on the quenching phenomenon of the spin-isospin strength in nuclei common to electromagnetic and weak processes. Transverse electron scattering form factors will be measured with the unique 180° system at the S-DALINAC. The successful applicant is expected to complete the commissioning of the upgraded 180° system and investigate magnetic excitations in light and medium-mass nuclei.

The doctoral research is embedded in an integrated graduate program with a wide range of opportunities for training and development of personal skills. Applicants are invited to submit a CV, copies of transcripts and certificates, two recommendation letters, and a letter of motivation electronically to

Further information can be found online at For questions please contact the project leaders Professor Dr. Peter von Neumann-Cosel ( ) Professor Dr. Joachim Enders ( )

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