Postdoctoral fellowship in experimental nuclear physics at GANIL

26 April 2018

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Postdoctoral position in Experimental Nuclear Physics in Brazil

26 April 2018

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Postdoctoral fellowship in experimental nuclear physics at IPHC (Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien) Strasbourg University, France

13 April 2018

The DNE group (DNE for Du Noyau aux Etoiles – from nuclei to stars) will strenghthen its activity in exotic nuclear structure and its involvement in the AGATA European collaboration by opening a two years young researcher, post-doctoral fellow (CDD). The DNE group is composed of height permanents, one post-doc, two PhD students and three engineers. The AGATA collaboration gathers funds and efforts of eleven countries and 41 laboratories, develops and builds a new generation gamma spectrometer composed of germanium crystals only and based on the gamma-tracking technique.

The main research topic aims in studying the structure of key nuclei of the r-process in the vicinity of 78Ni, in particular 80Zn, and the evolution towards deformation beyond the N=50 isotopes. The orbitals above the N=50 gap may influence the single or collective character of the nucleus leading to the possible emergence of an N=56 gap due to a three-body force effect.

The isotopes of interest are produced in two ways which lead to different types of data analyses: - via fusion-fission: gamma-rays are detected with AGATA presently installed at GANIL (Caen, Fr) up to fall 2020, which is coupled to the recoil spectrometer VAMOS++ for ion identification, - via photofission of uranium carbide target (UCx) at the ALTO electron accelerator at IPNO (Orsay, Fr): gamma-rays are detected with BEDO (beta and gamma or gamma-gamma coincidences) and the neutrons with TETRA (beta, gamma and 4π neutron detection). The successful applicant will analyse the data of the AGATA-VAMOS experiment already performed in 2015 and study the “high-spin states” in isotopes beyond N=50 determining the gap size in 78Ni. She/he will be also strongly involved in the ALTO experiment (foreseen late 2018 or in 2019) aiming at the study of the beta-decay of the 82-87Ge isotopes and at the measurement of the beta-n delayed emission probability Pn in these very neutron-rich isotopes. She/he will interact with the nuclear-theory group for the experimental results interpretation. She/he can also submit a proposal for a new experiment with AGATA.

In addition, within the framework of the AGATA project, the successful applicant will be involved in the optimization and validation of the gamma-tracking DAF program developed in the DNE group using AGATA experimental data.

The applicant should have a PhD in experimental nuclear physics. He should be strongly motivated for both the fundamental physics and the associated instrumentation. She/he should have a solid experience in both the use and the development of data-analysis tools.

The applicant should provide a detailed curriculum vitae, a research program, a list of publications, conference and seminar presentations, the PhD-jury committee report and two letters of recommendation. The contact person is Gilbert Duchêne (

Tenure-track position at the Advanced Science Research Center

10 April 2018

The Heavy Element Nuclear Science Research group at the Advanced Science Research Center at the Japan Atomic Energy Agency in Tokai mura, Japan is seeking a highly qualified postdoctoral researcher to join their experimental research program on nuclear physics of heavy isotopes.

The advertised position is a 5-year tenure-track post-doctoral position within the framework of “Leading Initiative for Excellent Young Researchers Research Plan” promoted by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). ( In addition to the salary, the candidate will receive 9 million JPY (approximately 84,000 USD) per year of research funding during the first 2 years, and additional 2-3 million JPY each year to cover indirect expenses for the whole duration of the position.

This position will allow the candidates to develop their own research theme, carrying out experiments preferably but not exclusively at the JAEA Tandem or the J-PARC facility, both located in the JAEA campus in Tokai, Ibaraki, Japan. In the application form, the interested candidates are requested to describe the purpose and method of the research they intend to carry out. In case of satisfactory performance, before the end of the position the candidate will be offered a permanent position at the Japan Atomic Energy Agency. Note that one tenure-track position is not exclusively allocated to nuclear physics, but in a competition with candidates applying to other research groups at ASRC.

For more details about the Heavy Element Nuclear Science Research group, please visit:

For questions about the postdoctoral position, please visit: or contact Dr. Katsuhisa Nishio (

The application guidelines can be found at: For the online application, please visit: The application deadline is 2018, April 26, 5 p.m. (Japanese time). Interviews are expected to be scheduled around May-June 2018. The successful candidate will be expected to start working at ASRC in the period going from October 2018 up to March 2019.

Detector Specilaist Position at Los Alamos National Laboratory

28 March 2018

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