Open positions in Theoretical Physics - Pisa, Italy

21 May 2018

The University of Pisa (Italy) has issued a call for one researcher position and one associate professor position in Theoretical Physics within the Department of Physics "E. Fermi".

Both positions are open to any researcher in the field of theoretical nuclear physics, high-energy physics, including lattice QCD and string theory, mathematical physics, and statistical physics. The deadline for application is June 4, 2018. We ask you to spread this information among your colleagues and potential strong candidates, especially those working in theoretical nuclear physics.

The researcher (type "ricercatore universitario di tipo a - junior" - RTDa) will have a full time contract for the duration of three years with mainly research duties and some teaching duties (essentially one course per year, about 60 hours of teaching). Essentially, this RTDa position is equivalent to senior Post-Doc position, by international standards.

The Associate Professor position is reserved for applicants that in the past three years have had no contracts with the University of Pisa, who have an equivalent position in other Italian or foreign universities, or have the so-called "Abilitazione Nazionale".

All the information can be found at the following links:

Researcher position:

Direct link to the call (in Italian):

Direct link to the English version:

Associate Professor:

Direct link to the call (unfortunately at the moment only in Italian):

Please do not hesitate to contact one of the following persons for further information and/or help in filling the application form.

Ignazio Bombaci: Angela Bonaccorso: Alejandro Kievsky: Laura E. Marcucci: Michele Viviani:

Research Associate (Postdoctoral Researcher) position in experimental nuclear science at NSCL

21 May 2018

The National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (NSCL) invites applications from outstanding candidates for a fixed-term research associate (Postdoctoral Researcher) position in the area of experimental nuclear science, who will work in the research group of Prof. Hiro Iwasaki . The successful candidate will work primarily on the lifetime measurement and spectroscopy program with fast and reaccelerated rare-isotope beams at NSCL. The physics focus of the group is the experimental investigation of nuclear shell and shape evolution far from stability and electromagnetic responses of weakly-bound nuclei. Experiments will be performed utilizing large gamma-ray arrays such as GRETINA and SeGA in combination with ancillary detectors, the TRIPLEX plunger device and S800 spectrograph. Experience in experimental nuclear research including analysis of nuclear structure or reaction data and related simulation works is desirable.

Interested candidates should provide a cover letter stating their research interests, a Curriculum Vita including a complete list of publications and presentations and arrange for three letters of recommendation to be submitted. Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled.

More detailed information is available at

Postdoctoral Position in Experimental Nuclear Physics at TU Darmstadt and GSI

18 May 2018

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Postdoctoral research position in experimental nuclear physics at the University of Guelph

10 May 2018

The nuclear physics group at the University of Guelph invites applications for a postdoctoral research position related to nuclear structure research with rare isotopes at TRIUMF's radioactive ion-beam facility ISAC. The advertised position is focused on the development of the future TIGRESS Silicon Tracker ARray (TI-STAR). More detailed information is available in the attached document. Candidates are invited to submit a curriculum vita, list of publications, a statement of research interests, and the names of three professional references to Prof. Dennis Muecher:

Review of applications will begin on May 30, 2018 and will continue until the position is filled.

More information about the activities of the group can be found at

For further information, please contact Prof. Dennis Muecher:

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Postdoctoral Research Fellow position in experimental nuclear physics, at TRIUMF, Canada

26 April 2018

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