Post-doctorate position in experimental nuclear astrophysics at IJCLab Orsay

05 April 2024

We are advertising a 2 year post-doctoral position in experimental nuclear astrophysics at IJCLab Orsay. The candidate will work mainly for the preparation, data taking and analysis of a GANIL experiment aiming at the determination of the cross-section of the 18Ne(a,p)21Na reaction. The candidate will also work on implementing a new DAQ system for our Enge Splitpole magnetic spectrometer at the local ALTO facility. Further information can be found at the following link: The application should be made through the website.

Tenure-track Faculty Position at North Carolina A&T State University

04 April 2024

The Department of Physics at North Carolina A&T State University invites applications for a tenure track faculty position in the field of Astronomy or Astrophysics, starting in August 2024. The initial appointment is expected to be at the assistant professor level. An appointment at a higher rank might be considered for exceptionally qualified applicants. In particular, the Department is seeking qualified candidates who will develop a vigorous research program in observational studies under the above-mentioned fields. The Department of Physics has twelve faculty members ( with active research areas that include experimental nuclear physics, astrophysics, chemical physics, biological and soft matter physics, computational physics, atmospheric sciences and meteorology, and condensed matter physics. The Department serves both undergraduate and graduate students at the MS and PhD level.

The ideal candidate will establish and maintain a vigorous, externally funded research program, collaborate with other faculty, and direct the research activities of both undergraduate and graduate students. Teaching undergraduate and graduate level courses. Other responsibilities include service to the Department, College, University, and the community.

Two instructor positions at Tennessee Technological University

28 March 2024

Two instructor positions at Tennessee Technological University are open for the 2024-2025 academic year, starting August 2024. See the advertisement and application instructions here:

University of Kentucky – FRIB Experimental Bridge Tenure-track Faculty Position

27 March 2024

This browser does not support PDFs. Please download the PDF to view it: Download PDF.

PhD position at the University of Helsinki

27 March 2024

Artificially intelligent gamma ray imaging detectors.
Position sensitivity in a semiconductor detector is obtained from the signals induced on a segmented electrode structure on the semiconductor crystal surface during collection of the electric charges created where radiation interacts; these charges being moved by an applied electric field. Advanced signal processing is needed to obtain optimum performance in terms of position and energy resolution as well as count rate capability. The best performance is obtained when applying artificial intelligence techniques. In the project, optimized artificial intelligence algorithms will be developed, using laboratory measurements with a state-of-the-art detector to provide training data. The resulting improved imaging capabilities will be quantified. This project will be performed in consultation with Dr. Andreas Hauptmann from Oulu University.

This three-year positions is offered in the framework of the national doctoral education pilot funded by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture and falls within the Doctoral Education Pilot for Mathematics of Sensing, Imaging and Modelling.

The application period opens on 2 April 2024 and closes on 22 April 2024.

Find out more about the doctoral education pilot and the application criteria:
Pilot website and Call Announcement
How to Apply Instructions
FAQ about Doctoral Education Pilot
For general questions about the doctoral education pilot, please contact: . For questions about the project mentioned above, please contact me at .

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