FRIB Theory Alliance Fellow Positions

20 September 2021

The FRIB Theory Alliance is seeking outstanding candidates for up to two FRIB Theory Fellows, to be hosted by a Partner Institution (listed below). The successful candidate(s) will conduct independent or collaborative research on nuclear structure, reactions, astrophysics, and/or fundamental symmetries relevant to the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB). The FRIB Theory Alliance is a consortium of universities and national laboratories actively engaged in theoretical research in FRIB science. FRIB will be a new national user facility for nuclear science, funded by the DOE Office of Science and operated by Michigan State University.

The FRIB Theory Fellowship is a two-year position with the possibility of renewal for a maximum of five years. The initial stipend is $77k and this position has an annual travel budget of up to $10k. This FRIB Theory Fellow will be an employee of Michigan State University stationed at a hosting institution by mutual agreement. The successful candidates must demonstrate great promise for high achievement in FRIB science. Past fellows have a track record of moving directly into open faculty or permanent staff positions.

Applicants should communicate their interest to a specific hosting institution. Hosting institutions and host contact information are:

Florida State University: Alexander Volya ( Los Alamos National Laboratory: Amy Lovell ( University of Washington (Physics Department): Aurel Bulgac ( Washington University in St. Louis: Saori Pastore (

Please apply at The application deadline is October 11th, 2021. Three reference letters are also due by this date. If you have any questions, please contact Daniel Phillips (

MSU is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. MSU is committed to achieving excellence through cultural diversity. The university actively encourages applications and/or nominations of women, persons of color, veterans and persons with disabilities.

Postdoc position at the National Nuclear Data Center

17 September 2021

The National Nuclear Data Center has an opening for a 2-year term post-doctoral position in nuclear structure and reactions evaluations, including their associated research. The selected candidate will be expected to work on evaluations for the Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File (ENSDF) or the Evaluated Nuclear Data File (ENDF), as well as experimental or theoretical research aligned with ENSDF and ENDF priorities. Review of applications has begun and will continue until the position is filled. Visit the link below for more information and instructions on how to apply.

Postdoctoral Researcher Position in Experimental Nuclear Physics at GSI

13 September 2021

We invite applications for a postdoctoral researcher position in experimental nuclear physics within the nuclear spectroscopy department at GSI.

The successful candidate will join the ERC funded LISA project. "Lifetime measurements with Solid Active targets" is a novel approach to study collective excitations in atomic nuclei. Active targets enhance the sensitivity and resolution for in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy experiments enabling lifetime measurements of exotic rare isotopes.

The announcement with more details is attached and can be found here:

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Postdoc Position at Argonne National Laboratory

08 September 2021

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Lawrence Fellowship Program at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

07 September 2021

Our Next Breakthrough IS YOU
Lawrence Postdoctoral Fellowship
The Opportunity to Bring your Brightest Ideas to Life

We know that you are already working hard to solve important research questions. But do you want to take your skills to the next level and apply them to solving the most pressing problems facing society and national security? The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) has openings in the Lawrence Fellowship Program that will allow you to do research that you have always dreamed about. Fellows are free to pursue their own independent research agenda with subject matter experts who provide guidance and mentorship. Fellowships are awarded to candidates with exceptional talent, scientific track records, and potential for significant achievements. Is that you? Download FY 2022 Flyer Successful Fellows will propose and subsequently perform creative research in an area that is relevant to the mission and goals of LLNL. Broad topic areas include: Atmospheric Science, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Environmental Science, Geoscience, Energy, Lasers, Material Science, Mathematics, and Physics. Fellows will have access to LLNL's extensive computing facilities and specialized laboratory facilities. The duration of the Fellowship is up to three years. The salary is $10,205 /mo.

Please refer to the following web page for eligibility requirements and instructions on how to apply. When applying and prompted, please mention where you saw this ad. The deadline for applications is October 1, 2021. LLNL is operated by the Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration. We are an equal opportunity employer with a commitment to workforce diversity.

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