Postdoctoral Researcher Position in Experimental Nuclear Physics at IJCLab

19 July 2022

The postdoctoral researcher will be part of the IJCLab team responsible for developing and managing the gSPEC/DESPEC research activities, performed in collaboration with GSI/FAIR, on measurements of nuclear moments, nuclear isomers, and decay spectroscopy. He/she will work together with researchers from the NEXT team in the Nuclear Physics Department of IJCLab, in the framework of the GSI/FAIR-related new instrumentation research and developments, and the realization of cutting-edge spectroscopy measurements for the NUSTAR project. The researcher will be a member of the collaborative partnership between IN2P3/CNRS and GSI/FAIR, related to NUSTAR. The Irène Joliot-Curie Physics Laboratory of 2 Infinities (IJCLab) is a UMR laboratory of the CNRS/IN2P3, the University of Paris-Saclay, and the University of Paris. It is located on the campus of the University of Paris-Saclay in Orsay, 20 km south of Paris.

For more information, please visi:

Postdoctoral Position at CEA Saclay

19 July 2022

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Senior and Junior positions available at Los Alamos National Laboratory's Intelligence and Space Research (ISR) Division

08 July 2022

The Los Alamos National Laboratory's Intelligence and Space Research (ISR) Division is looking to hire a number of senior and junior positions throughout our organization. The division seeks to create, deliver, support, and exploit innovative sensing systems for space-based, airborne, and ground-based applications to address critical national security and scientific challenges.

Space Science & Application Group Leader, R&D Manager 4

Space Remote Sensing and Data Science Group Leader, R&D Manager 4

Space Electronics & Signal Processing Group Leader, R&D Manager 4

SABRS Chief Engineer

Senior Space Scientist, Scientist 4

Senior Space Instrumentation, Scientist 4

Space Instrumentation, Scientist 3

Space Science and Applications Scientist, Scientist 2

Space Science Data Analysis, Modeling, and Instrumentation Postdoc

Postdoc Position at the University of Groningen

30 June 2022

A Postdoc position within the NEXT project is available at the University of Groningen.

Details can be found here:

Postdoctoral Research Associate Position in Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics at University of Edinburgh

13 June 2022

A 2 year Postdoctoral Research Associate in Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics (with possibilities of extensions) is available at the University of Edinburgh:

The position will support and develop the experimental program on nuclear astrophysical reactions of the ELDAR ERC-StG mainly by (i) using new CARME chamber and silicon strip detector system for the CRYRING at GSI laboratory, Germany, and (ii) constructing and exploiting a new charged particle detection system at the LUNA facility, Gran Sasso laboratory, Italy. You will be will encouraged to become involved in all elements of the ELDAR research project. The deadline to apply is 11 July.

For informal enquiries please contact Dr C G Bruno

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