Staff Scientist position at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

27 September 2022

The Nuclear Data and Theory group at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory has one or more openings for a Staff Scientist position to conduct research in low-energy nuclear theory and/or nuclear data. The successful candidate will contribute to an advanced research program that combines cutting-edge theoretical, computational and/or statistical methods in nuclear science for the purpose of providing a fundamental understanding of the universe and answering questions critical to the Laboratory's national security missions. Particular attention will be given to applications in areas that complement and enhance the current research activities, including but not limited to, astrophysical reaction networks and quantum computing applied to strongly correlated quantum systems. This position is in the Nuclear Data and Theory (NDT) group of the Nuclear and Chemical Sciences Division. For full consideration application packages should be submitted by October 31st, 2022. Review of applications will begin then and will continue until the position is filled. For any inquiries regarding this position, please contact Nicolas Schunck (

Reference #: REF3365H Link:

Postdoctoral position with Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy Group at SFU

19 September 2022

The Nuclear Science Group (NSG) at Simon Fraser University (SFU) has an immediate opening for a two-year Post-Doctoral Fellow (PDF) position. The group is involved in gamma-ray spectroscopy experiments using stable and radioactive beams primarily at TRIUMF, Canada's particle accelerator center, and using the TRIUMF-ISAC Gamma-Ray Escape Suppressed Spectrometer (TIGRESS) and the Gamma-Ray Infrastructure For Fundamental Investigations of Nuclei (GRIFFIN) spectrometer and their suite of ancillary detectors.

Please see attached description and contact Prof. Corina Andreoiu at if you have questions

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Postdoc position at IJCLab for the FRIENDS3/S3-LEB projects

06 September 2022

We are reopening the 2-year postdoc position in the FRIENDS3 project (Fast Radioactive Ion Extraction and Neutralization Device for S3). The position, which will be based at IJCLab, is dedicated to the development of new gas-cell techniques and ultimately a future gas cell for the stopping, neutralization and laser spectroscopy of radionuclides at the SPIRAL2-S3 facility. The postdoc will also be deeply involved in the S3-LEB project at GANIL. A detailed description of the position can be found on the CNRS job portal:

Please forward this information to any potentially interested candidates.

Tenure track position in LPC Caen : Developing DESIR facility for constraining the standard model with traps

01 September 2022

A tenure track position is open in LPC Caen for the development, preparation, operation and analysis of experiments at GANIL and/or at facilities delivering radioactive ions to search for Physics beyond the Standard Model via a precise study of beta decay. At the term of the 5 year position, the contract holder is intended to be tenured on a CNRS research director position.

Details may be found here :

Science Director Position at Turkish Accelerator and Radiation Laboratory (TARLA)

25 August 2022

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