JINA-CEE Postdoc Position for Nuclear Astrophysics Data

31 July 2018

The JINA Center for the Evolution of the Elements (JINA-CEE) at Michigan State University (MSU) is seeking a highly qualified individual as postdoctoral fellow to work on nuclear astrophysics data evaluation and dissemination. JINA-CEE is a multi-institutional NSF Physics Frontiers Center focusing on research at the intersection of astrophysics and nuclear physics. The center brings together nuclear physicists, astrophysicists, and astronomers to address open questions related to the origin of the elements and the properties of nuclear matter in neutron stars. JINA-CEE consists of a unique network of four core institutions (MSU, Arizona State University, University of Notre Dame, and University of Washington) and 22 associated institutions in seven countries.

The research activities of the successful candidate will focus on evaluating experimental and theoretical nuclear data, supplementing experimental information with theoretical calculations, and the development and dissemination of data products such as astrophysical reaction rates needed for astrophysical applications. Very close collaboration with nuclear experimentalists, nuclear theorists, and astrophysicists across the JINA-CEE network is required. The successful candidate will also collaborate closely with nuclear data evaluators within the US Nuclear Data Program, in particular with the evaluators located at Michigan State University.

The position is located at Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan, USA and initially limited to 1 year, though subsequent reappointments are possible. The position requires a PhD in nuclear physics, nuclear and radiochemistry, astronomy, or a related field. The preferred candidate should have some theoretical or experimental experience related to nuclear astrophysics data. An asset, but not required will be past experience with evaluating experimental nuclear data for astrophysical purposes, with producing nuclear astrophysics data sets, with data dissemination, and/or with some of the theoretical tools used to analyze and complement experimental data to obtain astrophysical rates. The position provides an excellent opportunity for a candidate with a background in nuclear science or nuclear astrophysics to start a career in nuclear data evaluations and management.

Interested candidates should upload a CV and cover letter addressing previous experience in relation to the above stated responsibilities at http://www.careers.msu.edu/ (search for the posting 520502 and follow the application process) and arrange for three letters of reference to be sent directly to:

Prof. Hendrik Schatz Michigan State University NSCL 640 S. Shaw Lane East Lansing, MI 48824, USA Preferably by e-mail to: schatz@nscl.msu.edu For questions about the position please contact directly Prof. Hendrik Schatz via e-mail at schatz@nscl.msu.edu Review of applications will begin on August 31, 2018.

MSU and JINA-CEE are committed to achieving excellence through cultural diversity. We actively encourage applications and/or nominations of women, persons of color, veterans and persons with disabilities. Michigan State University is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity employer.

Assistant professor in Basic Sciences at Chalmers

31 July 2018

We are opening two positions as Assistant Professor with tenure track within the Basic Science-initiative at Chalmers, see further information below and by following the link: https://www.chalmers.se/en/areas-of-advance/advance-yourself/Pages/default.aspx

Assistant professor in Basic Sciences The vision for the Basic Sciences at Chalmers is to perform world-leading research aiming at ground-breaking discoveries. With our research, education and collaborations we address fundamental questions in astronomy, chemistry, computer science, earth science, physics, biology and mathematics.

Chalmers will recruit two assistant professors within Basic Sciences.

Chalmers has a long tradition of outstanding research in science and technology. In particular, fundamental research is the basis on which much of the current technological advances builds on. In order to stay at the forefront of technology, a solid foundation of curiosity-driven research is essential. Such research is conducted in all departments across Chalmers, and the successful candidate is expected to play a key role in advancing our understanding of the world. Topics already present in the different departments as well as completely new research directions are of interest for us.

Conducting research at Chalmers allows for very good opportunities to do cross-disciplinary work, and also to collaborate with University of Gothenburg, providing an excellent overall research environment in Gothenburg.

Theoretical Nuclear Physics Post-oc Position at INFN-Pisa

30 July 2018

This is the pre-announcement for the opening of a post-doc position at INFN-Pisa, Italy, on the subject of "Theory of Nuclear Structure and Nuclear Reactions”, with special emphasis on the reactions initiated by or producing exotic nuclei.

The position is for one year (renewable for another year) and it is offered to canditates with experience or strong interest in direct reaction theory. The starting date of the position should be around Spring of 2019, with some flexibility. The net salary will be about 2500 Euros per month.

The official opening will be published at http://www.ac.infn.it/job/index.php?tipo=Borsa in the middle of September 2018 with deadline middle of November 2018.

Candidates are kindly invited to contact Dr. Angela Bonaccorso bonac@df.unipi.it as soon as possible, sending a CV and two reference letters, to express their interest and receive further details concerning the application procedures.

Lectureship in Nuclear Physics at the University of the West of Scotland

24 July 2018

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Professional Physicist Positions Available at TRIUMF/ISAC

13 July 2018

The Physical Sciences Division at TRIUMF has opened competitions for two Professional & Supervisory (P&S) Physicist positions at ARIEL/ISAC:

Competition #651: Physicist: Exp. Officer, Laser & Ion Trapping

Competition #650: Physicist: Experimental Officer, Gamma-Ray

These positions are designed to provide expertise to the experimental nuclear physics community at ISAC, and eventually ARIEL. The positions will initially provide extensive effort to the developmental phase of ARIEL II, moving into full experimental-program oriented effort during the physics exploitation phase of ARIEL. For more details and closing dates see the posted job advertisements.

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